Register an account on our website by going to the registration page.
Customize your account
Add your last name, patronymic and choose your gender. You can also immediately activate additional protection - two-factor authorization in your personal account.
Recovery word
Also, be sure to set a code word to restore your account in the future. For example, if you forget your password.
Download game client
Due to the termination of browser support for flash technology, it is necessary to resort to third-party programs. Download the client using the button below and open the downloaded file.
Open downloaded file
Open the downloaded file by clicking on it once or twice and run it. It depends on which edition you have chosen: if the installer, then the installation process will start, if you have selected the portable version, the client will open immediately.
Problems with the display in the client?
Due to the incompatibility of modern browsers and flash technology, the site may not be displayed correctly in the client. You can also try alternative clients such as:
UC Browser,
FreeU (safe-portable build)
All done!
Log in through the game client, press the play button, create a character and enter the game!